Time for some bluegrass, grilling, and hiking. I pretty much hate summer, but I'm trying to change that this time around. Maybe if I can just stay cool and avoid hearing the crazy neighbors.
Acrylics, watercolor, and ink on canvas. 12" x 24".
This is the first time in a while that a painting isn't better than the one that preceded it. Not that I don't love this one, but it's not perfect. I'll get it on the next try.
I took Snobatron out on the Sante Fe Trail in northern Colorado Springs last night. A bit of it was on Air Force Academy property. There were trains, and old broken down train stuff, and a creek, and mountains, and a little rain. So yeah, it was pretty much far and away the best ride I've had yet. I'm amazed at how fast this city can go from average suburbia to rugged outdoors. I guess I'm pretty lucky.
Ok, so it was only about 4.7 miles. It seemed a lot longer. Apparently the train blocking the trail is a near-permanent fixture, and I should take a different route next time. Also, I'm going to make sure to lock down the front hub next time. I could've gotten seriously messed up.