"3.24.08–I brought my ink and brush into work today and did a couple drawings before other people got here. The drawings themselves aren't that great, but I also spilled a bit of the ink on my desk. Oopsadoodles. I think the moral of this story is to leave the ink at home next time. It's not worth it, in my opinion.
"3.24.08, 4:08 PM–The trash man hasn't come by to do his thing. It's a little perturbing, and I'm afraid it's becoming a trend. How are we supposed to make any headway on our yard clippings like this?
"3.25.08–It's International Waffle Day today. In an ironic twist, it's a Christian holiday being hijacked by a secular holiday, as it just happens to coincide with the Annunciation, a day which gets too little attention if you ask me. Instead of celebrating the hand of God reaching down to forever alter the course of humanity, we eat waffles. Don't get me wrong, I love the waffles. I just don't get the silence from the non-Catholic Christian community. At any rate, I need some waffles in my belly, stat."
It's a new Moleskine, so I'm going more journal-oriented. Also, my workplace is having an International Waffle Day celebration today. Score. Also also, "oopsadoodles" is trademarked by my wife. It's a funny word to say if you've accidentally chopped your arm off or something.
Now playing: The Apples In Stereo - Beautiful Machine Parts 3-4
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