I saw a funny bumper sticker on the way into work today. It said, "I found Jesus--he was behind the sofa the whole time." Can't tell if that was pro- or anti-Christian, but I got a good laugh.
You know how sometimes a band you used to like--say, Portishead--pops up in your party shuffle and you just have to listen to the whole album and suddenly you're transported back to New Year's Eve 1998? (Yeah I listened to Portishead on New Year's Eve, didn't we all? No? Just me? Strange...)
Ok, enough small talk. Cue the music, I'm walking on sunshine this morning. And in a perfect world, Brad Childress was dancing around to that song like a little girl while making breakfast today.
A good article from Michael Smith.
I really liked Childress' decision to sit Dwight Smith. I'm tired of the Love Boat scandal hanging over my head. People accuse me of it like I've done something wrong. It's awful. Sitting a starting safety for a Monday night game sent the message loud and clear. Props, Brad.
I love Ryan Longwell. For years he made every big kick against the Vikings, and when there was just over a minute left last night I felt no anxiety whatsoever. The guy's money. I haven't felt that way about a Vikings kicker since Gary Anderson in 1998, and look where that led.
Chester Taylor's stock went way up in my book last night. He wasn't electric per se, but he was solid. He touched the rock 34 times and amassed over 120 yards. If he puts in anything close to that every week, he gets team MVP honors from me. It was frustrating to watch all these 2 or 3 yard carries for most of the game, but I love how they kept going to the run. In the fourth quarter it all made sense, when the Skins d-line was completely worn down and started giving up 8 or 9 yards to our high-price offensive line. It worked like a charm. It was ugly, but I can't wait to see it again next week.
I didn't like Brad Johnson the last time he played in Minnesota. Not enough flash. In 1997 all I cared about were touchdowns and sacks. But even though Johnson is essentially the same player as ten years ago, I love him now. There wasn't a single point in last night's game where I had even a bad thought about Brad. He played his game to a T and at the end the Vikings won a road game, a Monday night game, against a playoff team with a Hall of Fame head coach and a highly-touted offensive coordinator.
Celebrate, Vikings fans! I declare the worst is behind us!
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